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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate January 21 to January 30 Disputes

Conversations are more challenging than usual, as others appear to like taking the opposite point of view to your own. Remember, compromise brings the only satisfactory outcome for both sides. If you prefer not to risk any lasting damage, you are well advised to let the other person win. You soon appreciate that, on balance, this way of behaving is more useful.

Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Enforcing your will

Your strength of purpose and ability to carry out what you want is much stronger than usual. If you let yourself get too carried away this inevitably brings problems, don’t fight against things you know are out of your own control. Instead develop a patient approach, things run more smoothly, and small difficulties don't lead to such negative consequences.

Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Idleness

When it comes to anything strenuous, you don't feel in the mood, but much prefer to relax and take things easy. Be careful; this is somewhat problematic and likely to lead to confrontations you need to avoid. Try to find some middle ground without conceding too much. Watch your diet, not only for your weight but to care for your digestive system as well.